Course Description
A prophecy is a message, delivered by a chosen person – but how do we understand the true meaning of the words? Hebrew is the key to unfolding the idioms and metaphors, to reveal the hidden message.
In this course we discuss the words of various spiritual leaders from the Prophetic Books and look into the complex relationship between God’s will, his people and his spokesmen. Starting with Joshua crossing the Jordan, we continue to Elijah and his prodigy Elisha, who raised a child from the dead. Finally, we discuss Isaiah’s Messianic prophecies, which are also quoted in the New Testament.
When do our courses start?
We have a few starting dates so you can choose the class that best suits your schedule. Our next class starts on Sunday, December 01 at 11:00 AM. If you are interested in one of our classes click on the schedule below to start the registration process.