달리아 셰머
달리아 셰머
선생님에 대한 평
"I need to study Hebrew in Rosen school of Hebrew in Jerusalem, i need to travel to my country Israel to study Hebrew and later i want to study master of political sciences"
"Les exercices permettent de mémoriser correctement vocabulaire et grammaire (et étant donné mon grand âge, 67 ans, je n'ai plus ma mémoire de 20 ans ! Pourtant, ça marche.)"
"Dalia Shemer is a wonderful instructor! I have learned so much. She always takes the time to answer our questions and explain things thoroughly. I am really hoping that she will be taking the level 3 course so that I can continue with her. I highly recommend the Hebrew classes with Dalia."

달리아 셰머

히브리어 교사

간단한 자기 소개

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달리아는 경험 많은 히브리어 교사이며 이스라엘 성서학협회에 가입하기 전부터 오랜 기간 동안 이스라엘의 이민자들을 가르쳐 왔습니다.