Dr. Catherine Caufield
A Few Words About Me
Dr. Caufield has received a number of awards, including a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Toronto and a Foreign Government Award with the Government of Mexico. Her research has been generously supported by various public agencies and several fellowships; she is currently working on the monograph Transforming Trauma: Changes in Jewish Canadian Literature with the support of funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. She has published over fifty articles in referred journals, as well as book chapters, encyclopedia entries, book reviews, editorials, and a creative work of her own; in addition, she has published the monographs Hermeneutical Approaches to Religious Discourse in Mexican Narrative (Peter Lang), Shmiot Fugue: Neomysticism in the Voices of Three Jewish-Mexican Women Writers (Hadassa). She has brought edited collections to fruition and also served as Editor of the international academic journal Religious Studies and Theology and as Editor of the book series Jewish Women in the Americas (Lexington Books).
Ph.D. (Religious Studies), University of Toronto.
Professional Experience
22 years University teaching, research, and administration.