Pfarrer André Mira MA MA AKC (King’s College London)
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Pfarrer André Mira MA MA AKC (King’s College London)
"After retiring a year ago, I found myself searching for something meaningful to do now that I had extra time on my hands. I remembered that I had come across an online Bible study site and searched for it. It was one of the best things I ever did. I was delighted to see all of the many choices of subjects there were. I enrolled in the first one of interest, and I was very impressed with the quality of teaching and Biblical information that I had never known before. I have attended what is known as Full Gospel churches all my life, and I am 76 yrs old. It was like finding a spiritual banquet. I am happy to say that I just received a certificate for completing Hebraic studies. Thank you for offering these outstanding courses. The instructors are amazing."
"Os professores são extraordinários entregam com maestria cada tema do curso. "
"These courses have enlivened my life and enhanced my spiritual knowledge. I have a Doctorate in Theology and a PHD in Philosophy that I received from a Christian college; but it was not enough to clarify the Bible. My denomination is Pentecostal and I am a certified community Chaplain.Its imperative that I have as much knowledge and understanding as possible to serve Elohim Kingdom. Shalom, Dr.Laquetta Anderson"

Pfarrer André Mira MA MA AKC (King’s College London)

Außerordentlicher Professor für Judaistik, den Jüdischen Hintergrund des Neuen Testaments, Entdeckung der hebräischen Bibel

Ein paar Worte über mich

Pfarrer André Mira ist Außerordentlicher Professor am Israelischen Institut für Bibelstudien und er unterrichtet Kurse im Bereich Judaistik, einschließlich Jüdischer Hintergrund des Neuen Testaments und Entdeckung der hebräischen Bibel. Er ist verheiratet, hat zwei Kinder und liebt die heiligen Schriften und Musik.


Pfarrer André Mira hat einen Masterabschluss in Judaistik vom King’s College in London und einen Masterabschluss in Bibelstudien vom Heythrop College, Universität London. Zu seinen Diplomen zählen ein Diplom in Theologie, Religionswissenschaften und Psychoanalytischer Psychologie, alle vom Birkbeck College, Universität London. Er ist zugelassener Pfarrer in der Baptist Union of Great Britain.


Pfarrer André Mira studiert und unterrichtet seit 17 Jahren in Israel, London und Sao Paulo.