Julia Blum
¿Qué dicen de nosotros?
"Up to now I have had excellent teachers. My classmates have been very supportive and the atmosphere has been very good. Not always easy but with the right commitment everybody can do it. Good lecture notes and slides and the quality of the software that is used is good."
"Shalom! I really love your courses - the topics are extremely interesting and the teachers truly dedicated. I'm enjoying 'Discover the Hebrew Bible' with Julia Blum, she is very good at getting us to think about situations and consider alternative views - compare what is in scripture and what we have always believed to be there but maybe is not. All the Hebrew Course B with Francois de Villiers is very exciting. I am learning a lot and it truly meets the expectations I had. For me these courses are especially valuable since I am working in the mission field (in South Africa) and it is a great privilege to have Jewish brothers and sisters explaining their culture and history to us - and pass on and teach us what HaShem has taught them. Maybe some tips on the study material (I am a teachers, who also studied some IT and computer technologies). It would be nice if the slides would really summarize the main points in a structured overview. Sometimes there are long texts which are difficult to 'dissect'. It might sometimes be a distraction if there is a lot of text on a new slide while the teacher is still explaining - one is trying to read and listen at the same time. Personally I think there shouldn't be too much information on the slides, they should just be points that remind you of what has been discussed in class. For the Hebrew Course, sometimes there are activities but there are no instructions or any explanation what it is about and then it is difficult to figure out what's happening. But all in all I think you are doing a great job - I also greatly value your support team. Always patient and friendly. Thanks a lot... looking forward to more courses with eTeachers. **option of how likely it is that I will recommend your course? I have done it already :) I also visit an elderly lady quite often and share with her what I have learnt in your class. I think she also enjoys it a lot."
"I like Ross's way of teaching, incorporating class member questions and opinions during class. Also we do not have anyone who wants to go on and on, as I did in the last class I took. "

Julia Blum

Profesora de Descubriendo la Biblia Hebrea y El trasfondo judío del Nuevo Testamento

Algunas palabras sobre ella

«Porque el Señor da sabiduría, de su boca vienen el conocimiento y la inteligencia».

Julia es una profesora y escritora. Enseña dos cursos bíblicos en el Instituto de Estudios Bíblicos de Israel, «Descubriendo la Biblia Hebrea»  y el «El trasfondo judío del Nuevo Testamento», y escribe contenidos en en Hebreo para estos cursos. Julia vive con su familia en un pequeño pueblo, Mevasseret Zion, al lado de Jerusalén. El nombre de la aldea proviene del Libro de Isaías (Isa 40:9) y significa:  «Trayendo buenas noticias a Sión”.


Julia tiene un máster. Estudió en la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén (estudios religiosos), El Instituto de Filosofía e Historia de Tallinn (Estonia) y la Universidad Tartu (Estonia). Ella enseña y escribe sobre estudios del cristianismo primitivo, el trasfondo judío del Nuevo Testamento e incorpora conocimientos judíos en el estudio de la Biblia.

Experiencia profesional

Julia es la autora de varios libros sobre temas bíblicos. Ha estado enseñando en el Israel College de la Biblia en Jerusalén y es invitada frecuentemente para dar conferencias. Julia escribe fragmentos de la Torá para distintos sitios y ha estado dando lecciones semanales de Torá en la radio Netiviah.