Pablo Andinach

Pablo Andinach


A Few Words About Me:

The Bible is a text that is at the heart of Judaism and Christianity. Its narratives have also impacted on the Islamic faith with some of its stories present in the Qur’an. For this reason, studying the Bible takes us to the heart of our Western Culture, leading us to revise our preconceptions and contribute to the dialogue between the various religious experiences that value the Bible and consider it their source of inspiration. Its pages are an invitation to see creation as the space God has given us to enjoy and care for.


Pablo studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and holds a doctorate in Theology from ISEDET, Buenos Aires. His research has focused on the late postexilic prophets with Pablo writing his dissertation on the Book of Joel. Previously, he had achieved a License in Theology with a dissertation on the Song of Songs.

Professional Experience:

Pablo is professor of Hebrew Bible at the Argentine Catholic University and at UCEL, the Methodist University in Argentina. He has been Visiting Professor at Perkins School of Theology, Dallas, USA, and at the Abarbanel University – the Jewish Academic Institution in Buenos Aires. He is general editor of the SBL collection “International Voices in Biblical Studies,” and a member of various forums like the Enoch Seminar, the Oxford Institute for Methodist Studies, and the Argentine Biblical Association. He has published several books in Spanish, English and Portuguese.