Rodrigo Galiza, PhD candidate
See What People Say About
Rodrigo Galiza, PhD candidate
"Rodrigo de Galiza Barbosa is an excellent instructor of The Hebrew Book of Revelation! He does a fantastic job of engaging our class. Rodrigo gives everyone an opportunity to participate and ask questions. He is extremely knowledgeable in the Bible, and he connects the lessons of the TANAKH with the New Testament during his class presentations. Rodrigo challenges us to study and learn on our own too. I highly recommend him. Todah raba, Israel Institute of Biblical Studies!"
"All the professors are polite, nice n professional. As a Christian studying the Hebrew Bible, the teaching and study methods of emersion using social media platforms are spot on. Zoom, Whats Up & YouTube apps have great value. The Rosen School classes like Ulpan courses challenge me the most. I am one of those students who prefer in-country learning Hebrew culture, as-is, as-was, as-in the future context presented. Using and applying Social Media to the program of instruction is like being in-country. However, one cannot dismiss native sights, smell, sounds of Israel's Near Eastern niche. These lessons in reading, writing, speaking, combined with social media platforms are used in the present, playback for review in the past, and has futuristic insentives on lessons to be presented. Especially when mixed in geographical and archeological lessons where pictures resonate and sounds permeate the lessons, eddifying my life-work balance and time management skills. Ancient maps and today's discoveries brings new insights on how people lived in those harsh environments. Growing up Christian the biblical geography acumen and learning was brief and seemingly unimportant back in the day. However, technology has brought ancient geography and archeology front and center with the language and culture of its day. This synergy or mixture of old and new is almost like feeling the dirt of those who lived long ago. Diving in and emersing myself this way does not replace actual in-country living experience but it can be the next best opportunity to feel the dirt, smell and taste the food, see and interact with the people in acient and present times. Enduring to the end. Shalom, Michael Angelo"
"I am so glad I found your website. I have learned so much already that really helps me understand the Bible better. I'm only on Hebrew A, but I am looking forward to the day I know enough that I can teach it in my church, and overseas if I return as a missionary. "

Rodrigo Galiza, PhD candidate

Professor and Academic Coordinator of Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament (JBNT) and Exploring the Biblical Land of Israel (EBLI), and Forum Administrator for Portuguese speakers of both courses.

A Few Words About Me

Rodrigo Galiza teaches the courses “Jewish Background of the New Testament” and “Exploring the Biblical Land of Israel” for Portuguese speaking students. He is also the administrator of the weekly online (live) Q&A for both courses and the administrator of the forum for Portuguese students of the course “Jewish Backgrounds of the New Testament”. He has translated the following courses to Portuguese: Biblical Hebrew, Exploring the Land of the Bible, and Discovering the Hebrew Bible and Jewish Backgrounds. Rodrigo loves teaching things related to the bible and history of religion. His special interest is in the relationship between Jewish and Christian beliefs and the development of their religious ideas. He is currently working on his doctoral research about agents of contamination of the Sanctuary in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Church Fathers.


He holds a MDiv from the Seventh-Day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University (Michigan, USA) and a BA in Journalism and Theology from Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo (UNASP). He is currently a PhD student of Church History at Andrews University and has spent 1 year studying at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem as part of his doctoral program.

Professional Experience

Rodrigo has taught Bible informally in a church setting since 1995 and has been involved in theological education in Brazil, Cuba, Israel, and United States. He also taught English as a second language for kids and young adults (9-18 years) in Brazil for 1 semester. Since 2014, he teaches courses at the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies.